How to Save Money on Your Next Move in Canada: Top Tips and Tricks

Discover the Hidden Secret to an Affordable Move in Canada

Moving from one place to another, irrespective of the distance, is always a strenuous and expensive task. However, with proper research and careful planning, it is possible to keep the costs low and make the moving process as smooth as possible. In Canada, there are certain times of the year when moving can be more affordable. The finest movers London Ontario will discuss the most affordable times to move in Canada and how you can save money during the process.

Summer is usually the busiest time for a move across Canada, making it more expensive for people to move due to increased demand for moving services. Therefore, the least busy time to move in Canada is during the late fall and winter months. Generally, the best time to move is between October to April. This time of year is often overlooked by many people since the weather can be harsh, but the savings of a winter move can be significant. During this time, you may be able to rent a moving truck, hire a moving company, or purchase moving boxes and purchase supplies for a significantly lower cost than during the peak season.

Movers London Ontario

Another best time to move is during mid-month and mid-weeks. This is because most people find the need to move between the first and last week of a month and also on weekends. Therefore, the competition is higher, and prices are higher. Moving mid-month and mid-week will reduce competition and double down on cost reduction.

Tips for Saving Money During a Move

When it comes to moving, there are always simple tips and tricks you can follow to save money. Here are a few tips:

Schedule your move during the less busy season. As noted, October to April is a perfect time to avoid competition and reduce moving costs.

Declutter your household stuff, especially those items that you no longer need. Moving lighter and fewer items can save you some cash.

Get several free moving quotes from different moving companies and compare them before making a final decision.

If you opt to hire a moving company, book them in advance to avoid additional fees.